Join CEO Ben Pedrazzini for this webinar where we will explore a successful Digital Transformation journey and the 9 ways to make Digital Transformation a reality in your organisation.

We are in an era of widespread integration of technology in business processes. Businesses
are moving to the adoption of innovative systems and processes to embrace the changes and digitalise their operations.

 Welcome everyone to this dita Solutions webinar topic. Today is nine ways to make Digital Transformation a reality. Welcome everyone for joining. We're in the era of widespread integration of technology in business processes and businesses are moving to a, to an adoption of innovative systems and processes to embrace the changes and digitalize their operations.

To establish dita Solutions, firstly, is an LMS, and then we've moved in and progressed over the time into digital transformations. Let’s have a look at what we're covering today. Firstly, we're going to look at some facts about digital transformation. Then we are going to look at the key steps to your own organization's, digital transformation success.

Then we're going to look at the dita platform and how that can, as assist with that transformation and talk about booking you in for a digital transformation consultation. Facts about digital transformation, let's take a look at some of the amazing facts about digital transformation and why it's important that you should undertake this journey as an organization.

No matter if you're large or. Digital transformation's, the process of using digital technologies to create new or modify existing business processes, culture and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. When you look at the name dita, then it's all about digital integration, transformation, and automation.

Did you know that about 70% of companies either have a digital transformation strategy or are currently working on one? A lot of businesses are moving in this direction. And out of that 80% of organizations that have completed their digital transformations have reported increased profits.

It's not just to reduce. Pain points, but it is also to improve your profit margins. Because what we do is we take away a lot of expense, a lot of road blockages, and we also increase revenues, which then lead to an increased profit. So 80% of all companies that have done the transformation have recorded a increased in profit.

So that's why it's an important measure to do. So, what does it mean? If you've not started digital transformation yet you are a step behind in increasing those profits. Following the measures, so the key steps to the success is following a measure. Taken by companies who have successfully undergone the digital transformation and to know how to make the transformation a reality.

And that's where we can come in and help you do that. Look at your business and look at the steps that you need to take. Let's go through those steps one at a time and just quickly have a bit of an overview on those steps. Step one is all about prioritizing the progress instead of perfect.

To make digital transformation a reality, know that technology keeps on changing very quickly. Because of this, business leaders should stop trying to perfect the results in an order to obtain success and transformation. Instead, they should focus on ensuring. There is continued progress. We know we need an end goal and we need a roadmap to where we need to end up at.

But what we shouldn't be doing is holding back all of our transformation until we have all of that in place. Because what will happen in inadvertently, whilst you are making. Changes and that transformation, there will be changes in technology and there'll be better options and there'll be a better way around doing it.

And also through the process of integrating one transformation. Then that may change your roadmap moving forward. So the priority is progress instead of perfection. Let's get those roadblocks and let's work those roadblocks out. First. Let's digitalize them and then we can move on from there. Step two.

Track the success of your transformation. Determine whether digital initiatives deliver the expected results. Business leaders should track technology implementation, so value add should be tracked accurately and correlating the inputs with the outcomes. So digital transfer that transformation leads to an increase in revenue generation due to the optimization of the business operations.

All the way along through your transformation. You should be having these short spurts that you're trying to transfer in your business into digital transformation. Or initiatives. And you should be able to track whether that's been successful. And generally, what you're trying to do there is a reduce your expenses.

Or B, increase revenue. So those two sides can be tracked all the way through. When you're looking to put one initiative in place, let's track the progress of that. See if it's got the desired results for you in the outcomes that you're expecting. And then you can, once you've looked at that, then you can move on to the next part of the transformation.

Step three. Adoption across functional approach. So, what does that mean? A successful transition requires close collaboration between technology experts and the business leaders, both parties. The business people and IT experts should understand the role played by each other. Business leaders must acknowledge the benefits brought by technology and business operations.

IT experts must also know the business operations. To diagnose any challenges arising during the implementation. It's important when you're moving onto this step that the two parties work together and very much understand each other and what they have to offer. A business leader can't make a good case for a digital transformation unless they understand the technology that they're looking to implement.

And so, they need to discuss that with the IT experts so that they first, before they build the whole process, they understand what can be done and how it all interlinks with each other and vice versa. The IT experts are there to help you with this transformation, needs to understand your business, and needs to understand what you're trying to achieve so then they can also interject and say how they see the process moving as well.

Adoption of cross-functional approach. Is very important for the success of your digital transformation. Step four, data governance. We don't do this enough and it's a very important thing to do. Data governance is vital in ensuring that leadership commits and business processes align with transformational agenda.

IT experts should enhance the accuracy of all corporate data and also maintain the source. Any type of digital transformation will mean that there is. Some part of data gathering with inside of that. So that data gathering needs to be, then there needs to be governance around that. Where is that placed?

What's done with that data and who has access to it and what that data is used for. It's a really important step when designing this digital transformation. There's no use just creating the transformation itself if you're not going to look at the data and use the data to improve the processes in the future or the initiatives in the future.

So that's a very important step. Data governance. Step five, gradual transition. We don't want to, okay, we'll go, just go through the definition of first. So digital should be a gradual. As businesses need to adopt to the change digitalization, it should be in phases. During digital transition, teams need to test recapitulate, learn as they undergo the operational changes and identify new opportunities and revenues.

This kind of goes back to step one once again where we say, Don't look for perfection at the start. You need to do a part of your digital transformation first, and then you need to test, and you need to really look at those results and see if it's what the outcomes that you were looking for from that transformation. So, in that, then you'll learn as you're going along, maybe some operational changes that need to be changed. And you'll identify, you'll identify new opportunities and revenue streams if you do this gradual trans transition along the way, instead of just going from a to the result and then learn what you should have put in between.

So gradual transition is very important. Step six, implement the changes systematically. Since people fear and resist change, digital transformations should be symptomatic. For it to be successful, the changes should be gradual. Business leaders should not force their team to change but help them embrace and accept the digital modifications at their own pace.

Employees especially should understand the process. Of dig digitalization and the importance of the process for it to be successful. There's no you need to bring all your key personnel, your key staff along the journey of digital transformation. It's important to have open communication about where you're going and what you're doing, and also encourage the educational steps within of the learning process of the new changes.

And look for them to ask questions because you need. Them to understand and for them to accept the changes for it to be a success to your clients or to the staff themselves. It's very key to implement the changes systematically and to take the staff along the journey with you in those changes and ensure that they are trained up and understand those changes, what they.

Where they connect to the future, what they're replacing, what the benefits are, what the outcomes will be, and where this is taking you along the ride, step by step, step seven. Adopt transparency. This is goes hand in hand with step six. A digitalization process requires leaders to enhance transparency in the business.

Transparency achievable through effective communication in business. Communication should be clear across organization and employees should be able to air their views on the transition process without judgment. It's very important that the staff are involved in your digital transformation, especially your key personnel that will be driving the new technology.

And it's very important to listen to their point of view. They're the ones at the cold face that are dealing in the day-to-day. Organization in the process. So, if you're going to change that process and you're going to digitalize it, you need to listen to them with what should be implemented. There's no good having someone at the top wielding a stick telling everyone what to do.

That's not going to. Get you through to the endpoint and adopting this transparency will mean that you'll have a successful tr transition from your current manual processes to a more seamless automated digitalization process. Adopt transparency. Step eight is adopting innovation as well as digitalization.

So digital transition can't be successful without creating room for innovations to identify businesses. Remedies during the transformation, leaders should develop a culture of innovation within the workforce as it is a precondition to the successful digital transition. It's once again tied into what we were talking about just before.

So what we're wanting to look for as we break down the digital transformation. Step by step and process by process instead of all at once. What we will do is we should be able to identify innovation on the way. So that's what we want those key personnel in your business to be looking out for because they're the ones that are going to be utilizing and implementing this transit.

And so, for them, we need to open up to them to be able to always be on the lookout or to build that culture with them of innovation, to look at ways that they can see. And if you do that, you'll buy them into the project of moving forward and you'll have a better outcome. Adopt innovation as well as digitalization.

Step nine, every organization's journey is different. And we have to say this every time it's not a one size fits all process, so there is no one size fits all when it comes to digital transformation. These steps will guide you in the process and provide key guidance for success, but you need to understand your own unique business goals.

It's very you need a system that will allow you to build bespoke. Because if you don't have, if you have a one size fits all solution, then it's not going to. Serve all your needs in a digital transformation. You'll be able to get so far, and you'll be able to plug some certain holes, but then you'll come up with other roadblocks along the way.

It's very important to understand that one system won't solve everything, and if you are looking for a system, To do many things. It needs to have a bespoke nature about it where it can be transformed to suit your business needs and your business goals. Not the other way around your business having to fit in with its needs and goals.

There you will in some bits some parts, but. You need that to be moving to your business process. So let's just recap what we've just gone through, the different, the nine different steps. Prioritize progress instead of perfection. So, what's your biggest roadblocks?

Let's prioritize that and let's get that transformation done. Track the success of the transformation. So once you've done one transformation, one part of the transformation, let's, we need to track the success of what's worked, what hasn't in that part of that transformation. Whilst we're moving onto the next part of digitalization.

Then adopt cross-functional approach, making sure that everyone is working together, both IT and the business leaders with inside this progress that you're making and the changes that you're making. Need to have data governance. It's very important to track the gov the data that you are bringing into your system and looking at ways that you can use that data to then look for the next best result moving forward for the next transition that you're doing.

And trust that data gradual transition. Once again, this is like you're prioritizing. But it's the same thing, but it's just all about don't try to do it all at once. Make sure it's a gradual transition that assists everyone to come along the journey. But it also means that you can make changes as you go along, and you can also prioritize those ones that are important first, and then bring them in step by step.

Implement the changes sy systematically. Once again, step by step, make sure that they're being added in. Listen to the people who are driving. Adopt transparency. Make sure that all of your key personnel, as well as your IT experts are really over the whole transition and what needs to be adopted in the transition.

What's in that so that everyone knows where it's going, and we are looking for feedback. Open feedback from them to make sure that you are, have a successful transition. Adapt innovation as well as digitalization. So, whilst we're breaking this down into the gradual transition, and we're prioritizing our steps, and we've got transparency and we're collecting the data and we're judging the success, that should help.

If you're looking at all those things along the way. Building new adoption of innovation. And that's where you want to encourage the key personnel to bring forward innovation. Because someone may look at something a little bit differently, especially if they're on the front line, and they will bring to you some great innovations to make that transformation a success.

And finally, is the every organization's journey is different. So don't try, don't judge yourself on how someone else, some other organization has done their journey. Every organization's difference in its size, in its structure, the industry they're in, how many staff they have, what the processes are, how many manual pains points they have to what their outcomes need to be.

Don't look at other organizations and go, oh, they did it successfully doing it this way, because that's may not be what will be successful for your business. Your business is different to theirs. You need to look at your business and how it will be successful in doing that. They're the nine steps for you to look out for and to do.

And these will help you have a successful digital transformation. Working with Data solutions. So at dita Solutions, we can help transform your business into a digital base organization. Let's have a look at how we do that. We have five key steps of implementing digital transformation as a strategy to transform your workplace.

So, step one is what's your current process? You need to first sit down and make sure you understand how your processes work and is understanding how we, so that makes it crucial to how we can understand how to transform those processes. And that's you understanding your current process first, and then you are being able to relate that to the IT experts or to dita for us to help you make that that transformation.

What are the bottlenecks? So where are the manual processes letting you down and where are you spending your time doing manual processes? And this is quite an easy task to understand. So it's looking at. Where you're having to put a lot of resources into, to accomplish some of the manual tasks that are part of your offering.

And also, it might be where there's a lot of support coming back into the business. It's about identifying those bottlenecks and then having a talk to your IT experts and having a chat to them about how to mitigate those bottlenecks in this transformation. Goals, what are your goals? Lt's work to identify what the new goals you wish to, to be achieved in your business process.

And that's where we talk about, that's what you are looking for, your perfection at the end. We need to understand what that perfection is, what those goals are. Before we start, but we are not looking to build it before you start your digital transformation. We do that step by step, but identifying what the end goal is very important at the start of the process.

Number four, map new workflows. What we do is we help you then look at mapping new workflow. To work out how to automate these through digital transformation. And that's looking at the bottleneck, the current process, the bottleneck year goals. Then we look at how that can be digitalized, and then we map the WO workflow processes, and that'll help then reduce those bottlenecks goals and get to the goals and look at making sure that all your processes are taken are of.

And then finally, continued improvement. Digital transformation isn't set basically, it never, it does not ever end. If you want to continue your business to grow and take market share and to develop, then it should be a continual improvement process. We'll work with you to continue to evaluate your business goals and to map the innovation and the ways to achieve them.

The dita platform can play a pivotal role in transforming your organization's productivity and performance through digital transformation. Our solution is a range of automated solutions designed to streamline and automate your business process with a secure platform, you'll be recording all your business operations online and in one place.

Your business will be improving its processes and procedures, tracking, compliance and training. All while storing this information safely and securely in our dita cloud. So let's have a look at how just some of the offerings that dita has in its system so that you can see how they could be in integrated in a transformation process.

dita learning, so tailored your learning platform. For all your business training, compliance, also your onboarding. Ensuring that staff come in with the right training to begin with, and then training them along the way as well as tracking all their compliance points to do if they're positioned and their role inside their, beside their business, inside the business.

dita documents. It's automating the creation, storage, and distribution of documents. Very important for audit trails and processes is to have a way to be able to track. What your staff or your customers have gone through, have a digital record of that and then be able to gather evidence at the end of it, including digital signatures and acknowledgements et cetera.

dita contractors. Whilst internally in your business, you've got to also look at the people that you're contracting into your business for different parts of your services or supply. And so that's why deed contractor plugs into the dita system. Into the one interface, but it also operates separately for those external contractors that you are using and just remembering that your contractors, your obligations are all the same as if they're your own staff.

If you are paying them to do a service for you to provide a service to your customers or clients, especially, then you are responsible for them, just like you're responsible for your own staff. Digital forms gather information, simple reporting and automate workflows. They're like the glue or the veins in the whole operation, so they connect one part of the system to another operation in the system or another process in the system.

They pass information and data on from one point. To the next point. They're very important, not just as a standalone to gather information to sit in files in the cloud, but they should be a form should be electronic form should be used to really connect all different parts of your process together.

Dita visitor is to streamline your front desk procedures to make them safe and secure. You know, anyone that walks onto your, into your business you are responsible for, you have a duty of care. So, it's important to understand what your regulations and legislation is to your state. But in most states, you have got a responsibility when someone walks on your site that you need to take them through a safety induction.

You need to understand they're onsite, who they're meeting, where they're going, and when they leave. So that's what the dita visitor system will do. And finally, then a front facing integration to your clients and to your customers or to your members is the dita catalog. So, this increases your organization's revenue with an online shop front and just all that open communication with the endpoint.

There are all the different parts that we can help you with. We look at you as a business. We look at how we can. How all those different components can be pieced together in your business to automate the different parts of your business that you're doing now. And we can connect it all with forms and workflow processes so we can digitalize all of the processes that re inside your system, that'll reduce costs in resources, and it'll increase revenue through better outcomes.

Alright, that's if today keep. Dated with us on social media through LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We're putting up information there every day, and so they give you just little handy tips and just keep it front of mind, that digital transformation journey. But if you want to get in touch with us to ask any questions or need any support or you ready to start that that digital transformation journey.

You can get us via the website, through email, or contact us directly. For a digital transformation consultation, if you're looking to the next step in digital transforming your own organization, learn how dita solutions can help you reach that potential. Follow the links. Thanks very much for joining me today and hopefully this has been of assistance to, but we're here to answer any questions for the future.

Alright, bye for now.

About the Author

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Ben joined forces with world-renowned Olympic Gold Medalist and Swim Coach, Laurie Lawrence, to establish dita Solutions.

Along with Steven Whyte, former Nine Network Head of IT, the company quickly progressed with automating business workflows and has now grown to offer a wide range of solutions to help with digital transformation.

With over 30 years of experience in running successful businesses, Ben is fully committed to providing the highest quality, and most advanced, Compliance Management System to the market. One of Ben’s greatest accomplishments with dita Solutions was creating dita Documents, which took a lot of time to build and test. He is very happy with the results and enjoys seeing how much it helps dita’s clients.

Ben, and the dita Team, have built strong relationships with their clients, by looking at their business wants and needs, and completing these requirements with quality, ease, and compliance.

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