Did you know that on average, each Australian uses 230kg of paper each year? Worldwide, that adds up to more than 300 million tons of paper. And of this, we waste around 50%. This all adds up. A 500 sheet ream of paper costs around $5, which totals $352,941,176 per year that you spend on paper. Add the costs of printing, filing, storing and maintaining those files of information. Therefore, it’s no wonder that businesses are looking for a way to move to a paperless, digital environment.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, printing and writing papers typically found in a school or office environment such as copier paper, computer printouts, and notepads, comprise the largest category of paper product consumption. This is an alarming figure when you consider the advanced technology of today’s world to help offices go paperless.
Going paperless doesn’t have to be a scary or drawn-out process. dita Solutions has a range of automated solutions designed to streamline your business and reduce daily use of paper. With our secure platform, you’ll be recording all your business operations online, and in one place. Your business will be reducing its costs and boosting its efficiency. As well as storing this information safely and securely on the dita Cloud.
We can answer your questions regarding the differences between a paper and a digital environment. And show you how dita Solutions can make an impact on your company’s environmental and cost output.
How can dita Solutions reduce overall costs?
Whether you’re looking for a way to reduce the number of forms you’re printing and filing out. Or simply looking to get rid of the tatty visitor sign-in book at reception. dita Solutions has a solution to provide you with a more streamlined, paperless option, which of course means less money.
Our dita Forms, dita Visitor, dita Learning and dita Contractor solutions will reduce:
- Paper and printing costs – all information is in storage online in one platform
- The cost of storage for important forms and information – the dita Cloud keeps this stored safely and securely
- Staffing costs, as you will spend fewer hours to file and locate information, which will always be at your fingertips
- Liability costs for any confidential or private information that may become lost – privacy and security are key
Our platform is designed with simplicity and ease in mind. And our cloud will keep your software up to date, free of charge. Nothing for you to pay or do, no worries!
How can dita Solutions increase efficiency in my business?
Streamlining and automating the manual tasks your staff would normally perform increases efficiency in your workplace. Our solutions are easy to use and implement. Once in place, they make your day-to-day procedures quicker and easier.
- Allow visitors and contractors to sign themselves into your office or site with dita Visitor
- Whether you are updating a learning module, company policy or forms, all edits, changes, and revision of information within the platform are quicker and easier. Update once and it will be ready for use
- Set your forms to automatically pre-populate important information. This not only saves time filling out forms but also reduces the time spent fixing information incorrectly provided
- As all information is in storage digitally in the cloud, you’ll have access to any reports anywhere and at any time. This means less time sorting through paper to pull key metrics for reporting
- Reports are sent directly to your inbox at a time that suits you and your business
- Digitally automating day-to-day tasks frees up staff’s time to focus on the more important things
How can dita Solutions improve my business’ security?
Paper is easily thrown out, misplaced or can find its way into the wrong hands. Keeping this information stored in dita’s secure cloud ensures the highest level of security for your business.
- See who signs into your office or worksite and ask them to agree to your business privacy policy upon sign in
- Check your staff and contractor’s real-time compliance requirements. This ensures workplace and employee safety at all times, and that you receive notifications of any non-compliance
- Set permissions and hierarchy within the dita Platform. This ensures only the people with the correct clearance can see confidential information
- Know your information is safely in storage with dita Solutions
If you would like to find out more about any of the products mentioned, book a live demo today.