Visitor Management in Schools

Administrators in schools are always searching for solutions to the problems that arise at school. However, with the right automated tools, you can alleviate incidents on campus, maximise staff work productivity, and promote student success. With states across Australia requiring Visitor Management in schools be mandatory, a visitor management system provides highly optimised school entrance security while simultaneously providing real-time data reporting, promoting a positive school climate.

In this article, we look at the top 5 reasons schools should implement a visitor management system and the benefits of implementation in schools. 

Let's Explore the benefits:

  • Visitor Recognition
  • Easier Auditing
  • Enhanced Security
  • Accuracy of Reporting
  • Saves Resources

Did You Know?

Being efficient and open to innovative solutions is becoming increasingly more attractive to parents. That's why 60% of parents would change childcare providers if they found a centre that provided contactless check-in.

Reasons for Implementation of Visitor Management in Schools

How will your school benefit from implementing a Visitor Management System? Let's look at the top 5 reasons for accurate and effecting visitor management in schools:


Visitor Recognition

Visitor management systems offer unique insights into your school. With on, it is easy to track everyone coming in and out of campus and monitor their behaviour with easy-to-access reports. The system's have intuitive dashboards and as a result, can quickly provide an overview of people on school premises and those who have left.


Auditing is Easy

Because digital information is stored in the cloud, it is more reliable and searchable, unlike manual records. As a result, you can quickly skim through your documents to see each visitor’s timestamp and time on campus. Visitor management systems are digital. Therefore, auditing would take only a few clicks compared to physical records.


Enhanced Security

Visitor management systems with visible kiosks enhance peace of mind and a high sense of safety among staff and students. Once implemented in your school, the benefits of the visitor management system enable you to impact daily security measures for staff and students. Therefore, data loss or theft risk is minimal compared to physical records because the system stores data in the cloud.


Accurate Reporting

A visitor management system offers a range of reports and real-time data readily available to your staff members for tracking and providing access to some members. School principals are tasked with complying with the fluctuating government mandates related to reporting and security requirements. With a visitor management system, you are provided with easy-to-access reporting that you struggled to achieve.


Saves Resources

The initial cost of installing visitor management system kiosks is offset by the number of resources your school will save over time. This is because the system abolishes the need for recurring administration costs for buying visitor books and sign-in sheets. Also, time is significantly saved as the reception staff will not need to deal with every part of the visitor sign-in process, enabling them to focus on more crucial tasks.

Ready to Learn More?

Improving the  visitor management in schools is not a luxury but a necessity. A visitor management system will lower your costs and reduce the risk of school incidents. Considering the above five reasons why your school needs a visitor management system, you can easily argue that the basis of your success is highly dependent on a system that protects data, students, and staff.

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