“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” –Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company

Even a century ago, the most successful businesses knew that a major key to success is having skilled, experienced and engaged staff. Although the business world has changed over the last 100 years, one thing still rings true. It is that staff need to be receive opportunities for growth and training.

LinkedIn’s Workforce Learning Report says that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in helping them learn.

The workplace classroom has changed overtime. There’s been a shift in traditional training methods. In an ever-evolving workplace, day long training and sitting through power point presentations are no longer the only way to engage a team. Now, 59% of Talent Developers are spending more of their budget on online learning than they did 3 months ago and 39% say they are now spending less on instructor-led training.

This movement away from traditional learning means businesses are needing to innovate their training to ensure they are engaging their teams on all levels, catering for all learning methods and reaching all business locations.

Link to online training course to induct staff

So why the shift to online?

  • Change in learning styles as GEN Z enters the workforce. This generation is more abreast of the benefits of new technology and how best to utilise it for their development
  • Work is no longer a place you go, it’s a thing you do. Flexible workplace arrangements are now a standard employment right with many employees now spending more time away from the office.
  • It’s a budget friendly option as less is spent on training rooms, facilitations and expenses.
  • During the recent challenges we face in a global pandemic, where employees need to work from home, it offers ongoing normality. This allows staff to continue to engage with their business and development.

Why Online Learning Works for both Employers and Employee?

Staff training is crucial to the success of any organisation; for training to succeed it must appeal to people, be assessed, and be easy manage. It also needs to be consistent. Online learning becomes a powerful tool for all businesses looking to benefit from a digital training solution for their teams

  • Access anywhere at any time – in most cases, you only need an internet connection.
  • Learning can be self-paced, and offer flexibility to the employee
  • Keep workers engaged through continued learning and upskilling
  • Publish course changes in a flash and roll out immediately to learners
  • Onboarding and new hire training can be completed easily, with ongoing training assigned automatically.
  • Many workplaces now have remote or flexible working conditions – it makes sense to have training and learning that accommodates these conditions
  • Reportability and accountability in all areas of the training

What to look for in an LMS?

Choosing a Learning Management System can be overwhelming – there are literally thousands to choose from. When looking for a LMS, you need to ensure the system has the following features:

  • Flexibility – it needs to be accessible on any type of device.
  • A Creation Tool – Each business is unique therefore you need a tool to allow you to create and customise your own organisation’s needs.
  • Competency Tracking – To ensure you’re across the require skills and certificates for each position in your organisation
  • Learning Pathways – Each team member can have a customised training set based on their circumstances
  • Customisable Reporting – Managers and supervisors can then have access to the reporting that’s relevant to them
  • Automated Allocation of Training – It’s about streaming your processes and giving time back to you.
  • Cater for Each Method of Training – Where face to face events and seminars do occur, you must be able to track and report on this.

dita Solutions works with you to make the process of implementing an Online Learning system seamless and pain free. Book a live demo of dita Learning and see how it can work for you.

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